The Best Ways to Use Your Yurt’s Outdoor Space
Yurts have become more popular in recent years due to their versatility and affordability. Yurt owners are known for their ability to incorporate their personal style into their homes. In fact, interior design and decoration spans every aesthetic, from contemporary to rustic. What’s more? Their creativity has come full circle.
Luxury yurt owners are utilizing their outdoor space in both aesthetically pleasing and functional ways. Between adding a deck to your yurt or using the space to develop your very own yurt garden, here are five ways to transform the exterior of your yurt into the inspiring outdoor area your dreams!
1. Build a comfortable patio for any occasion. 
Can a yurt have a porch? Yes! While most yurt patios are added during the initial construction phase, building a porch to your dwelling is relatively easy depending on the design. If your luxury yurt has a large outdoor space near its entrance, building a traditional porch with an awning provides a comfortable outside area for reading or relaxing. Want to go bigger? A wrap-around deck is great for practicing art, doing yoga, meditating, or simply lounging.
2. Cultivate the land around your yurt by making a garden.
If your yurt is in a sun-rich area with fertile soil, starting a sustainable garden is a perfect way to enhance your circular space’s outdoor area. Not sure where to start? There are plenty of guides available when it comes to helping you develop the land around your yurt. You could cultivate local flora and fauna or grow your own herb garden or fruits and vegetables. Creating a garden is not only a great way to freshen up your eco-dwelling’s exterior, but it’s a wonderful way to embrace sustainable living even more.
3. Make an outdoor cooking and social area.
Adding an entertainment area where friends and family can gather is another way to maximize your yurt’s outdoor space and make it more luxurious. Start with a BBQ pit and a picnic bench. From there, construct a few outdoor, family-friendly games like ladder golf or bocce ball for some added fun. The idea is to create a central space where people can socialize and eat while experiencing all of the amazing benefits of circular living.
4. Add outdoor storage space.
Need a little more space for your bikes, skiis, folding chairs, or camping gear? You may want to consider adding a storage unit near your yurt or even an adjacent structure. You can even leverage the space below your yurt to store critter-proof items like kayaks, oars, or hand tools. Doing this will free up interior space and keep it clutter-free with the advantage of having storable items that are easily accessible and near your doorstep.
5. Make an outdoor shower adjacent to your yurt.
Some of our customers add outdoor showers to their yurts to maintain efficiency and to keep a naturally-centered aesthetic. Curious how to add an outdoor shower to your yurt? There are several free guides available online that will walk you through building one along with tips on how to keep your water use sustainable. If you go this route, we recommend adding a propane-heated outdoor shower to keep water temperatures warm year-round. Whether you’re hiking in the midsummer heat or cross-country skiing in the depths of winter, an outdoor shower can allow you to warm up (or cool off) after a long day in the outdoors!
Pacific Yurt owners often tell us that one of the best parts of owning a yurt is the ability to truly invest in nature. Indeed, it’s not unheard of for yurt owners to choose to do most of their cooking outside, or to make their yurt a technology-free zone where only the sounds of nature can be heard rather than the din of modern devices. Looking for more tips on how to use your yurt’s outdoor space? Feel free to contact us with any questions about yurt ownership.